Saturday, July 13, 2013

Onto Yala

Yala is the place to see Jaguars. Spoiler alert: We didn't see one even though its the highest concentration of Jaguars in the entire world. Oh well. It was still a good time.

A lagoon full of birds!

Our driver was the best. He wanted to see a leopard so bad and was awesome at spotting other animals. He  took off at the beginning of the day saying "its a race!" and passed other jeeps so we could get into the park faster.

Krista and our traditional sri lanka safari jeep. We took the standard jeep with the bench seats as opposed to the ones that are cushy and forward facing. If its good enough for Nat Geo, its good enough for us.



Jackals on the path

The closest we got to a leopard. Fresh tracks

A point in the park where there is a monument to the tsunami

More pretty birds!


Us on the observation deck at our hotel. 

Chilling at the pool after a morning safariing.

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