Sunday, April 29, 2012

REFLECTION - Whether to assist, encourage or observe:

I like to help people. That’s part of the reason I became a physiotherapist. I feel like I have good problem solving skills and empathy that are useful in helping people. One of the reasons I never did tutoring in high school or university though was because I found it hard to relate the fundamentals to students who were struggling. I tried once in Bio 12, I found it really hard to explain how I knew so much and was able to retain the knowledge and to help someone else gain do the same was hard. Even in the physio program I have been asked at least once “How do you remember it all?” My answer, I do this and this and this and I also am blessed with an extraordinary memory.  The thing is though that I am learning (and have been learning since Bio 12) is that you just can’t tell everyone what you do and expect it to work from them and you especially can’t just do it for them if you expect them to get anything out of the exercise.

Being a pediatric physiotherapist presents this challenge to me: being able to watch a client struggle with something as basic as cutting a straight line, put a puzzle piece in the correct spot, or draw a cross and letting them struggle with it.

This week has really been a lesson in when to step in and when to step back, when to encourage and when to be silent. It’s an art really that my preceptors are quite good at. It’s a skill that involves time management, clinical expertise and experience and knowledge of the task. It’s also important when to know when to let the child fail and when to step in and help them find success in a different way. 

So much is dependent on the individual, the situation, the rapport and the therapeutic goals that a formula is useless. If I see a client struggling with a task it is my automatic instinct to want to step in and show them how I would do it. But what will they learn from copying me? They will learn how to accomplish the task my way. They will learn a single strategy for the task. And they may also improve their ability to mimic.

However, it may be far more useful to the child for me to use alternate strategies such as silently smiling and nodding at them or to verbal encouragement from me: “You’re doing well!” or “You’ve almost got it!” And somewhere in between there is the verbal cues of “What if you moved that one just a little bit?” or “Pull just there.” To varying degrees these methods will help the struggling child to problem solve through their difficulties. 

While it may be important to know a single method of tying one’s shoes, it’s also really important to be able to figure out a puzzle using your own unique problem solving strategy. In my opinion this prepares them to be more independent, more ready to handle challenges they face during Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and sets them up to become critical thinkers and problem solvers in the future.

Saturday - aka 'best weekend of the placement so far!'

This Saturday I went into Westbank to visit a few of the other MPT1’s that are having a placement in the Okanagan. Brooke and Jem are staying at a swank ‘summer home’ that is right on the water. Peter came in from Kamloops and Jen W. and Leo drove from Vernon. We hiked at Bear Creel Provincial Park. The water running through the creek was just raging as there was a huge dump of rain here on Thursday. (Some of the houses around Mill Creek in Kelowna were flooded out). It was a beautiful Okanagan day and I was kept thinking, wow its only April! I did wear sunscreen and managed not to get burned. Jem, who is also part Metis and was wearing a tank top definitely burned up his shoulders! There were some great views from up top the creek of Kelowna and the valley.
After the hike half of us picked up food and the other some beverages and then met up back at the house where we lounged on the deck with a snack for a bit before walking up to Quail’s gate. At Quail’s gate we had a little wine tasting and I got Nicky a birthday present on Cameron’s behalf. After the wine tasting there was some talk about going for a dip in the lake.  There was much ho-humming until I said I was going for sure. Then the boys couldn’t be showed up by a girl so they all grabbed their trunks. It was a very, very quick ‘swim’ as I estimate the water was about 5’C.  There are picture for proof, but I don’t have them… 

After the swim we made our feast of roast veggies, steak, chicken sausages and salad. Soooooo goooooood. It was really nice to have a summer BBQ in April. And then after the BBQ the boys made a fire and we made SMORES!!! It seriously felt like July, sitting out at the lake’s edge roasting marshmallows and listening to music on their outdoor sound system… Ah, I could get used to this ;)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Rest of my first week in "The O"

The first week went really fast. On Wednesday after work Nicky had parent teacher interviews, so she had to stay a bit longer in Oliver so I visited Market Place IGA to use the rest of our stamps and pick up a few more knives. After I went to “The Gym” in Penticton (That is the actual name of the place) and got a month long student membership. It’s a pretty nice facility and relatively close to my work. I am planning on going there when Nicky drops me off in Penticton (1 hr before work starts). I went on Friday morning and it worked out really well. It’s nice to have access to all of the equipment again! Even though I could only work out for ½ hr I still got my strength stuff in and then ran when I got home after work.
At the placement I am being given more responsibility than I thought I was going to get! Which is awesome. This week I filled out a driver’s abstract so I can drive the company vehicles if available. This means that my supervisor is going to come with me the first time that I run a session and will let me do a few on my own and then come and see the last one. Sounds good to me! Although kind of scary!  But it will probably be good for me to get over my fear of having a client one on one by myself with a child because to them, it’s all just games and they are there to have fun! So I am hoping it’s less stressful.
Thursday we went into Oliver to see a few clients and drove past Tickle Berries. My preceptor promised that we would stop there on a warmer day. I think the Okanagan valley actually may have set a record for rain fall that day. The drive down to Oliver is nice and we past a few other places that I recognized including Gallager Lake. I think I am finally piecing together where everything fits geographically speaking.
I was supposed to run a session on Friday, but unfortunately the child was not home when we went to visit his house. So it next week I will get to try again.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Placement 1A - Day 1

5.50 am came pretty early this morning. Guess it was a good things that I went to bed at 10:30pm last night. Pretty sure I am going to do the same tonight.

The drive into Penticton was nice. The lake was beautiful. Nicky did a drive by of the placement place and dropped me off at the Starbucks in  Safeway where I killed the time till 9am when I started.

Anyways, I met my supervisors at OSNS and got to it right away. Apparently they do a lot of home visits, so that is what we did first. It was awesome to get into it right away and see some of the tools that they use. The therapist was great, she got right in there and was playing around with the patient (pt.) on the floor. I mostly watched and tried not to be to distracting to the child.

When we got back I got a tour of the facility. The facility is really nice and has tons of toys! and its so organized! There is a nice big gym and offices and treatment rooms. Also, everyone was very welcoming there were even some bunnies and dogs just hanging out :)

It was such a beaut of a day we got to have lunch outside in the mid-twenties Okanagan sunshine.

in the afternoon I observed my other supervisor's clients and got to see some interesting cases. Definitely stuff that we covered in class. But SO good to see it in the real world. So Good!

Before I knew it, it was time to head home to West Bank. Another beauty of a drive. And when I got home I went for a run along a nearby trail in the warm 25'C air.... oh it was one of those afternoons that only happens in the interior of BC, you know the ones.... sigh. great views to boot!

what a day :D

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Placement 1A - Day - 0

Without giving Sue Murphy a heart attack on pt. confidentiality, I am going to attempt to blog about my placement to let my family and friends know what I am up to. So names, details, or pics of patients and things like that. Just other details of what life as a physio student on placement is like.

Today Brooke drove us up to Kelowna in her affectionately named Hyundai "Henry". It was a great drive up. The Coq was clear and sunny from Hope to West bank. And Henry did very well on the hills even though the physio students who occupied him had attempted to pack them light. Anyways a pit stop in Hope for some subway, 10 Timbits, several slices of delightful banana bread made by Brooke and lots of phresh tunes later and we were in Westbank :D

I made a transfer (T/F) at the ESSO station to Nicky's car and Brooke and Jem continued on their way to the "Mansion on the Lake". I have seen the pics. Like I said, there needs to be an BBQ. No questions.

After some tea, a Canucks defeat and a delicious dinner, I am pretty much ready for bed and good night's sleep before tomorrow's commute to Penticton!