Friday, April 27, 2012

Rest of my first week in "The O"

The first week went really fast. On Wednesday after work Nicky had parent teacher interviews, so she had to stay a bit longer in Oliver so I visited Market Place IGA to use the rest of our stamps and pick up a few more knives. After I went to “The Gym” in Penticton (That is the actual name of the place) and got a month long student membership. It’s a pretty nice facility and relatively close to my work. I am planning on going there when Nicky drops me off in Penticton (1 hr before work starts). I went on Friday morning and it worked out really well. It’s nice to have access to all of the equipment again! Even though I could only work out for ½ hr I still got my strength stuff in and then ran when I got home after work.
At the placement I am being given more responsibility than I thought I was going to get! Which is awesome. This week I filled out a driver’s abstract so I can drive the company vehicles if available. This means that my supervisor is going to come with me the first time that I run a session and will let me do a few on my own and then come and see the last one. Sounds good to me! Although kind of scary!  But it will probably be good for me to get over my fear of having a client one on one by myself with a child because to them, it’s all just games and they are there to have fun! So I am hoping it’s less stressful.
Thursday we went into Oliver to see a few clients and drove past Tickle Berries. My preceptor promised that we would stop there on a warmer day. I think the Okanagan valley actually may have set a record for rain fall that day. The drive down to Oliver is nice and we past a few other places that I recognized including Gallager Lake. I think I am finally piecing together where everything fits geographically speaking.
I was supposed to run a session on Friday, but unfortunately the child was not home when we went to visit his house. So it next week I will get to try again.

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