Friday, June 14, 2013

First Weekend

We planned on going to Ho-o maniya Blowhole with some of the therapists and staff from the centre. But when we showed up at the centre we were shooed away by the security man. We decided to wait outside the gates for our friends to meet us. We waited for 45 minutes allowing for some rubber time. We thought that the rain probably kept them away. So we left. We called home talked to some of our family members for a bit, then headed to check out the beaches.

Our beach dog

Unfortunately that afternoon it was really rainy. It is the monsoon season after all.  While we were walking along the side of the road, a dog decided to start following us. We were wary at first thinking it might want our snacks or have rabies or something, but no, she just wanted some company. She was a very nice looking dog and really friendly. She would jaunt up ahead of us and then turn back to make sure we were still there.

Empty urchin shell

We check out the two beaches close by, and after getting caught in a minor rain shower we went for some rice and curry in a 2nd floor restaurant with a killer view. Rice and curry and Coca-cola. Life doesn't get much better. Our dog friend came with us of course, and the woman at the restaurant told us that this pooch follows all the travelers and even tried to hop into their vehicles. While we were eating lunch the local house crows kept trying to get into the buffet. The did manage to get a few papadoms.

View from the restaurant

After we went to the beach again and found some really awesome shells. The it really started to rain. And get windy. So one of the guys under a beach hut beckoned us under. Turns out this is the fat, bald guy that our Canadian liaison warned us about. Ooops. Luckily we managed to escape after a brief converstation.

waves crashing the point rocks

That night our landlord made us dinner and we watched copious amounts of GLEE.

On Sunday we arranged to travel to Kalemetiya lagoon via our landlords nieghbour/brother's tuk-tuk. We got up pretty early and then headed out. On a scale of granny to death gripping the side rails of the tuk-tuk, he was about a 7. So it was a nice peaceful drive.

Kalemetiya turned out to be amazing. Its not the right time of year for birds, as most are in their summer nesting grounds, bu we still saw  fair few. We also saw crocodiles and monitor lizards and water buffalo. In the park we hired a man to paddle us around the lagoon. That was pretty neat. Krista and I aren't sure how to boat actually works being that physics is neither of our strong suits, but we didnt tip and got back to the shore in one piece and dry.
stretch of unoccupied beach opposite the lagoon


After our boat guide cut us own some young coconut to drink and eat. MMMMMMM, Refreshing!

land monitor lizard

 Krista wondering if the boat is going to tip

wild peacock

wild buffalo

Water flowers
the lagoon

water lily

mmmmmm, coconut water!

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