Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weekend #3 - Udawalawe & Poya

Friday after work we tried to catch a bus to Udawalawe park and spend the night in a hotel outside of the resort. But Friday we were in the field and didn't get home until late. So by the time we got to the buses they were few and far between. So we delcided to get up at the literal crack of dawn on Saturday to bus out there and go on a Safari.

We managed to make a bus in Tangalle and changed over successfully in Embilipitya. We were dropped off into the lap of an awaiting Safari driver and after accepting his initial ow season offer we took off with him in the back of his 4WD army green truck.

On our way to the park we passed along the dyke of the reservoir and saw our first Elephant!

A lone male probably begging food off the passer-bys.

Krista in the truck working on what would eventually become the best windswept wolverine-esque hairdoo in the history of Krista hairdoos.

After paying the foreigner fee again! We picked up a guide who came with the park fees and were off. The road was definately 4WD necessary. This is a bit of a tamer section at the beginning of the park. There were peacocks and peahens all over the place. Sadly, its another month until their breeding plumage comes in.

We stopped at one of the "tanks" as our guide called them. There was a crocodile cruising around. The water buffalo in the water were unconcerned. Apparently crocodiles only go after the young and they were on the bank circled by the adults. 

Another crocodile sunning on the bank.

This is Krista and our first sighting of elephants within the confines of the park!. I think this was a mom and a few of her children. 

This was the largest group we saw of the day. This mom had a young calf and was nursing it under this tree while she was snoozing.

Some of the other members of the group. They were all grazing. They sort of whack at the grass then find a good chunck and twirl it until they get it then shove it in their mouths.

Our guide kindly took a picture with both of us and the elephants. There are better pictures, but I thought this one was hilarious.

One of the teenagers was getting curious and thought that she would come and eat near our truck.

She got pretty close. I probably should have smiled bigger, but I was concerned about the approaching elephants....

When it was time to move on, the elephants had sort of surrounded the vehicle As we drove, there was a mom and her baby beside the road. When we passed she got stressed and made a charge for the truck with ears wagging and trunk sticking out. Luckily our guide was swift and scared her off as he got pick an waved his hat round.

It was good to be reminded that these are wild animals.

My camera battery died at this point, so forgive the lack of pictures.

Next we came across a young male standing in the middle of the road. As we approached he trumpeted and rand into the brush. He was calling his mom who came up close to the truck and started growling. A low rumbling growl. She eventually relaxed and we Krista got some nice pictures of the pair.

We continued on our journey, we saw a jackel, hornbill, spotted deer, wild boar, monitor lizards, grey heron, hawk eagle, Sea eagle (not seagull), monkeys, parakeets and other marvelous bird.

We also went to the place where you can spend the night for a fee. The guide showed us a tower to climd with great 360 view of the reservoir and the mountain range. He pointed out some of the small towns up in the hills and Adam's peak.

On our way out of the park we saw another group of elephants and some more birds. 

The bus ride back was just as sucessful and even more cramped, but we made it home tired and happy.

Today we tried to go to the market, but everything was closed. We were offered watermelon from people and strolled around. Today is the full moon holiday (Poya) so it wasn't a major shock to find everything closed.. We also saw a motorbike get sideswiped by a bus right beside us (we were on the sidewalk). The fellas on the bike were alright, but not so much the bike. I hate hearing the sound of crunching metal. There were lots of people on the scene to help and being that no one was seriously injured we felt it was okay to move on a after a few minutes.

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