Friday, May 4, 2012

Flying Solo

Today was the day, well I guess I have done this a little bit before, but today was the legit full on "Here is a client, this is their diagnosis, What are you going to do about it" day.


I have been given a few clients who are relatively uncomplicated and asked to develop some goals and activities/treatments for them. I have spent a little time this week putting some ideas together for them and gathering up supplies to make it all happen.

On the way out my way out to the home visits my preceptor was asking how I was feeling about everything. I felt pretty good, calm and excited! Both of the kids are pretty great kids that I enjoyed seeing the first time around so I was excited to see them again.

The first session went well. There were a few activities on the fine motor side of things drawing with the non-dominant hand that frustrated him. He really loved the animal yoga and playing my new squirrel game that I invented. Its pretty fun being a ped physio because you get to make up games and do crafts as part of preparing for treatments! Also his grandma made us some Indian tea, which was delish!

The second one was outside. I was a little more nervous about this one because I didn't hit if off with him on the first visit where I observed and he had a shorter attention span. But it actually went really well. He had great energy today and was willing to do most of what I suggested without getting too frustrated. He was a little unhappy when the session was over, but I guess that just means I was doing my job.

It was really good to be able to do an entire session on my own. I feel like I am actually able to take observations and make a problem list out of them then make goals from that problem list and then make treatment around those goals. That's what a real physio does, right? It gave me a lot of confidence in my abilities. I was able to used what I learned in school  and apply it to an actual situation. Maybe its just the nerd in me, but I was pretty stoked.

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