Sunday, May 27, 2012

In transition...

I had my last day at the Penticton placement this week, and I was very sad to leave. I will miss getting to spend some time with Cameron's parents, the daily routine I had going, the people at the placement especially my preceptors, my regular clients, the beautiful Okanagan scenery and weather. However, I wont miss the commute to Penticton from Westbank every day.

I feel like I learned a lot and solidified some of the skills I have learned in school so far. I hope that these skills continue to improve in my next placement.

The drive home was bitter sweet. We kept remarking how we couldn't believe that it had been 5 weeks already. 5 weeks ago we were nervous and excited to begin. Now we were driving off with 1/6 placements done. It was weird when we entered Vancouver again, sort of like a dream... I commented that I was going through winery sign withdrawl. But its more than that. There is a different vibe in Vancouver. People may be a little less friendly, the city is a lot bigger. There are people and cars everywhere. It didn't really feel like I was home either. I mean, I wouldn't ever call Vancouver "home" exactly, its sort of just where I am living where I am going to school. Don't get me wrong, its great to be back with Cameron again after being apart for a while and good to see family and friends, but there is something about living here that feels temporary. Maybe that Cameron and I keep talking about moving away if he doesn't have a really attractive job by the time I graduate or maybe its that we are moving, or maybe its that I have only lived in Vancouver for 9 months now.

The weekend was great. We made some pizza on Friday night and watched a movie. Its great to do some familiar things with Cammy. We biked to PoCo on Saturday and visited my parents. I haven't seen them since I left so it was great to catch up! They even fed us dinner!

On Sunday I got the chance to meet up with an roommate from UVic. It was fantastic to see her and her boyfriend again. Its been a while. I feel like I am getting to that age when you have friends that you can go a few years without seeing if you are not careful!

And Monday morning I will begin my 5 week journey on the 10th floor at Vancouver General Hospital. What a change. I am more nervous about this practicum than the last. Wish me luck!

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