Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Weekend in Penticton...

Last weekend Connie came up from Vancouver and Jen came to Penticton from Vernon.

I picked up Jen at the Westbank greyhound and we drove down to Penticton together in Colin's BMW which I only stalled a few times. But I think that car actually might be embarrassed to be driven by me. I fully stalled at a light with people waiting behind me. Thank goodness that they eventually went around. I missed the Dale Rieu Driving Tip for that situation. I actually think I need a lesson full of Dale Rieu Driving Tips for Standard Transmission Sports Cars.

When we got to Penticton we met up with Connie and Malee at Zellers which is having a 50-70% close out sale. Then after a quick pit stop and change of vehicles (Jen reported my stalls in the BMW) we headed to check out what was left of the Penticton Farmer's market. The Farmer's market was winding down by the time we got there, so we headed to SHACK 55 for some delicious burgers. I had the 'Donde esta la biblioteca?' Yuuuuuuummmmmmy!

After lunch we were planning on going for a hike but wanted to check out a few wineries first. So we headed up the Naramata to "Elephant Island".  Elephant Island makes everything except grape wine. we sample Pear, Framboise, Black Current, Apricot etc. Sooooo delicious. I think I like fruit wines a lot more than grape wines. I mean some were not good, but some were really good. There was a little courtyard outback so we got to sit at a little table under the tress beside a vineyard. Such a nice way to enjoy an afternoon... ahhhh.

After that we went to "Soaring Eagle". The view from this winery is nothing short of spectacular. It looks west north and south over lake Okanagan. It was such a blue bird day too that the lake and the valley was visible in its all of fits glory. The wine was pretty good too... and only 3$ for like 10 wines. I think I am actually starting to develop a taste for wine and am learning how to tell them apart.

 After we decided to go for out hike. The original plan was Skaha park, but after the wine and the heat, we opted for the much shorter hike of Mt. Munsted. Which is part Mt. Tolmie part Hollywood Hills sign. It mostly turned into a photo shoot at the top because of the spectacular views.

Then we drove down to Tickleberries for massive ice cream. Apparently in Tickleberry language a single cone is three scoops..... wow. I was really full.

 Funnily enough we ended up running into someone from the Physio program there who was visiting a friend in Summerland for the weekend. Small, small world. But maybe that is just Tickleberrys, bringing the world together.

I also want to talk about Tickleberrys claiming to be "Diabetic Friendly" because of their diabetic options I guess. But  We know that a high sugar and high caloric foods contribute to type II diabetes. So tickleberrys... what are you really saying when you are diabetic friendly.

After that we went to the beach on Skaha and I left after we left.

On Sunday I took the dogs for a walk in Glen Canyon. Its kind of a neat little area. The lower portion is canyon and dry and classic Okanagan. The upper area of the creek is more riparian and reminded me a little more of home, maybe just because it was green and a little damp.

After that I weeded some patio tiles and had a nice mother's day dinner beer chicken. Delicious.

1 comment:

  1. good for you trying to drive a stick with no real stick driving experience (does collin know how many accidents youve had)
