Tuesday, May 1, 2012

WTH? Something tells me we're not in the OK anymore, Toto.

Its been a rainy few days here in the Okanagan valley. Boo. Yesterday I woke up and looked out into the valley and saw that there was low cloud and it was rainy. Seriously, was a dopple-ganer for a rainy March day in Howe Sound.

Usain Bolt demonstrating the proper ATNR reflex.

Yesterday one of my supervisors brought his brand new baby in to teach me how to assess a baby. Its been a really long time since I held a baby (especially one with poor neck control). The baby was so small. I am really looking forward to getting some baby handling practice on my nephews because its sort of tricky. Anyways we did all the cool baby reflexes ATNR/Usain Bolt (see above picture), stepping reflex, palmar grasp, plantar grasp, STNR, and even got a Babinski reflex out of the little guy! Also I am learning a lot about Torticollis and Plagiocephaly and some other baby pathologies so I will be all geared up to "do some physio" on my nephews! Can't wait until they are old enough to try out the some gross and fine motor Assessment!

Not much else new to report. Just wanted to send a general call out for blog topic ideas. They can be reflection topics or something about daily life or something else you wanted to know about life as a physio student.


  1. Stalking you....
    I totally played w/ my friend's 2 mo old baby boy and got Babinski and stepping reflex. It was good to see a normal baby hahaha

  2. wow...swt blog haha =) sounds lik fun

  3. can you hang the babies off curtain rods its really cool, you were especially good at it dear
